9th julio 2020





CLASS: Grade 2

DATE: 26th June, 2020

SUBJECT: Grammar

TOPIC: Forming Adjectives from nouns and verbs

Reference: The Mastering English book,pages 68 to 69.

Brief explanation

Forming adjectives from nouns and verbs

Adjectives are words that describe nouns in a sentence. Example: beautiful, intelligent, clever, smart, tough, kind, strong etc.

Nouns are names of people, animals, places or things. Example: John, Rita, man, boy, cat, market, school, table, birthday etc.

Verbs are action words or doing words: example: walk, talk, see, clap, laugh, work, dig, run, cut etc.

Examples of forming Adjectives from Nouns and Verbs:

  Nouns Adjectives
1. boy boy + ish  —- boyish
2. child child + ish — childish
3. virtue virtue + ous —virtuous
4. danger danger + ous — dangerous
5. riot riot + ous — riotous
6. salute salute + ary — salutary
7. Elizabeth Elizabeth + an — Elizabethan
8. courage courage + eous — courageous
9. fear fear + ful — fearful
10. health health + y — healthy



Examples of forming adjectives from verbs:

  Verbs Adjectives
1. move move + able — movable
2. read read + able — readable
3. interact interact + ive — interactive
4. punish punish + able — punishable
5. elect elect + ive — elective
6. like like + ly — likely
7. access access + ible — accessible
8. hope hope + ful —hopeful


Making sentences with the new word

  1. Drinking while driving is dangerous.
  2. The man keeps displaying a childish attitude.
  3. A virtuous woman is rare to find.
  4. We had an interactive class.
  5. Some books are readable.
  6. He is such a healthy baby.
  7. The fearful will not go to heaven.
  8. You have to be courageous to reach your goals.
  9. Some youths live a riotous life.
  10. This road is accessible.


Take a look at the Mastering English book, Exercise 30, on page 68 – 69.



  1. Differentiate between an Adjective, a noun and a verb.
  2. Form 5 adjectives from nouns and verbs respectively.
  3. Make sentences with the new words.
  4. Complete exercises 1 and 2 of the Mastering English book, page 69.