7th August 2020




DATE: 12th July, 2020


SUBJECT: Grammar

TOPIC: Interjection

Reference: New Concept English for Junior Secondary Schools. Book 1

Brief explanation – An interjection is a word that expresses a strong emotion. It is one of the parts of speech.

Notes for the pupils

An interjection is a word that expresses a strong emotion. They are used to express sudden feelings of joy, sorrow, excitement, wonder, surprise, pain, sadness, happiness, pleasure etc.

Interjections can be identified by the use of exclamation mark (!). for example Oh!, wow!, Hurry!, Alas!, Ouch!, Oops!, Aha!, ENW!, Yuhoo!, and so on.

Some adjectives and nouns can also be used as interjections for example:

(a) Great! You helped the poor!

(b) Sweet! It looks so cute!

(c) Nice! You played very well!

(d) Good! We can use it!

(e) Congratulation! You got a job!

(f) Hello! Where were you!

(g) Man! Where were you!

Uses of interjections

  1. Interjections are commonly used in informal writing or speech. E.g. Yikes! I didn’t realize that there was a fest today!
  2. Interjections are also commonly used at the beginning of a sentence. E.g. Oh! That’s a beautiful dress.
  3. Interjections are mostly used in spoken language than in written language.


  1. What is an interjection?
  2. Write down two uses of interjections.
  3. There are six interjections in column A and six sentences in column B below. Match each exclamation to the sentence with which it makes the best sense. Write the exclamation in front of the sentence chosen. Eg oh! What a goal!



1. Oh! What a shame!
2. Hurrah! I made it at last
3. My God! What a goal!
4. Good heavens! It hurts
5. How terrible! Can you believe this!
6. Oh dear! I didn’t realized it was that tough.


Compound Words

A compound word is formed when two words are combined to make a new word with a new meaning. For example, cup + cake = cupcake which is a new word with a different meaning.

A compound can be identified when two words which can stand on their own and make a meaning, are brought together to make one word that has a different meaning from the two words together that made up that one word.

Examples of compound words

  1. Camp + fire = campfire
  2. Earth + worm = earthworm
  3. Pop + corn = popcorn
  4. Snow + ball = snowball
  5. Sun + flower = sunflower
  6. Make + up = makeup
  7. Eye + ball = eyeball
  8. Finger + nail = fingernail
  9. Good + night = goodnight
  10. Hand + shake = handshake
  11. Hand + out = handout
  12. Ice + cream = ice-cream
  13. Lap + top = laptop
  14. Hot + dog = hotdog
  15. French + fries = french-fries

There are three types of compound words. i.e. compound words could be formed in three ways namely:

  1. Closed compound words.
  2. Open compound words
  3. Hyphenated compound words

Closed compound words

These are words that are written as single words. They are joined together without any space between them. Examples: haircut, newspaper, grandmother, midnight, starlight, tablespoon, superman, teacup, watermelon.

Open compound words

These are compound words that are written as separate words such as high school, living room, school bus, take down, video game, solar system, movie theatre, high heels, car wash, bow tie.

Hyphenated compound words

These are compound words that use a hyphen in between the words. Examples: well-known, second-rate, merry-go-round, father-in-law, long-term, up-to-date, seventy-two, check-in, over-the-counter, full-term, on-campus, state-of-the-arts.

N/B: Hyphenated compound words are most commonly combined to form an adjective before a noun.


  1. What are compound words?
  2. Name the three types of compound words.
  3. Write down 10 open compound words.
  4. Write down 10 closed compound words.
  5. Write down 10 hyphenated compound words.