8th July 2020





CLASS: Grade 3

DATE: 26th June, 2020

SUBJECT: Grammar

TOPIC: Words of Motions of Animals and Words of Characteristics of Animals

Reference: The students companion

Brief explanation  – The way some animals move is described by special words. Some of these words are described in the table below alongside the animals.

Words of Motions of Animals

  Animals Motion
1. Ape Swings
2. Bear Lumbers
3. Bee Flits
4. Beetle Crawls
5. Bird Flies
6. Bull Charges
7. Cat Stealth
8. Cockerel Struts
9. Cow Wanders
10. Crow Flies
11. Deer Bounds
12. Dog Runs
13. Donkey Trots
14. Dove Flutters
15. Duck Waddles
16. Eagle Swoops
17. Elephant Ambles
18. Frog hops
19. Horse Gallops, ambles, trots
20. Kitten Frisks
21. Lamb Frisks
22. Lion Prowls
23. Monkey Climbs/swings
24. Mouse Scampers
25. Owl Flits
26. Person Walks
27. Pig Trots
28. Pigeon Flutters
29. Snake Glides
30. Rabbit Leaps
31. Sparrow Flits, hops
32. Seagull glides



Words of Characteristics of Animals

  Animals Characteristics
1. Ape Ungainly
2. Bear Clumsy
3. Bee Busy
4. Beetle Horrid
5. Bird Swift
6. Bull Angry
7. Cat Sleek
8. Cockerel Proud
9. Cow Stolid
10. Crow Black
11. Dog Faithful
12. Donkey Obstinate
13. Dove Gentle
14. Duck Waddling
15. Eagle Majestic
16. Elephant Ponderous
17. Frog Clammy
18. Fox Cunning
19. Horse Noble
20. Hyena Cunning
21. Lamb Gentle
22. Lion Tawny
23. Monkey Agile
24. Mouse Timid
25. Pig Fat/lazy
26. Pigeon Gentle
27. Rabbit Timid
28. Seagull Tireless
29. Snake Loathsome
30. Sparrow Swift
31. Turkey Plumb
32. Wolf Lean
33. Hound Brave, gallant
34. Swallow swift



  1. List ten animals and their various movements.
  2. Name ten animals and their characteristics.